
Reasons for Oversleeping During the Day

If you have frequent awakenings and find it difficult to fall asleep, there are several potential causes. These include idiopathic hypersomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and other disorders. Thankfully, these kinds of issues may also be treated.


Extreme daytime sleepiness is a symptom of the sleep disorder narcolepsy. Though the precise reason is unclear, specialists think it could be connected to a hypothalamic dysfunction.

Typically, narcolepsy strikes in adolescence or the early stages of adulthood. For some, it could start in the early spring or the beginning of the summer. Although treating other underlying sleep disorders may help with some of the symptoms, narcolepsy has no recognized cure.

Narcolepsy sufferers may nod off during a conversation, meal, or even during an activity. They could, however, just nod out for a short while before awakening. They can get the impression that someone else is watching them or that they are in an unfamiliar place.

Some narcoleptics also report having hallucinations. They could experience clear pictures of people or things in their dreams. We refer to these experiences as “hypnagogic hallucinations.” If the hallucinations persist, they could become uncontrollable and result in fatalities or severe injuries.

Hypersomnia idiopathic

The neurologic sleep condition known as idiopathic hypersomnia is characterized by excessive daytime drowsiness. It is a potentially highly hazardous condition, particularly while using the equipment. It is necessary to handle this situation. Idiopathic hypersomnia has therapies to aid with its symptoms.

It might be challenging to differentiate the symptoms of idiopathic hypersomnia from those of other conditions that cause hyper somnolence. It is crucial to schedule a visit with a doctor if you are having these symptoms.

Idiopathic hypersomnia patients often have a persistent, insatiable urge for sleep. They also claim to have very little sleep inertia. When they are awake, they can seem drunk and disoriented.

Idiopathic hypersomnia is not associated with hypnagogic hallucinations, in contrast to narcolepsy. The brain’s inability to adequately warm-up is the root cause of sleep inertia. In people with idiopathic hypersomnia, it takes a long time for the brain to achieve its ideal temperature.

Medication and lifestyle modifications are used to treat patients with idiopathic hypersomnia. For instance, it’s important to motivate them to schedule daytime naps.


The unpleasant symptom of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) may hurt one’s quality of life. It may result in subpar job output and a higher chance of auto accidents. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss treatment choices and a diagnosis if you feel sleepy.

A medicine called Modalert 200 Tablet, which promotes wakefulness, may be used to treat patients with obstructive sleep apnea who exhibit excessive daytime drowsiness. Using it for narcolepsy treatment is also allowed. Your doctor could advise changing the dosage, discontinuing the prescription entirely, or taking it at a different time, depending on what is causing your sleepiness. Without testing, your doctor may not be able to identify or manage your disease.

Finding and addressing the underlying cause of your fatigue will assist you in getting back on track. For instance, you can have a sleep ailment like narcolepsy or sleep apnea. Psychotherapy or behavior modification may be used as treatment.

Artvigil 150 has been shown to improve alertness in sleep-deprived samples as well as to improve cognitive function. You may experience transient drowsiness as a side effect of several drugs. Many of the same drugs that make you drowsy might also make it easier for you to sleep at night.

Sleep Apnea  

If you have fatigue throughout the day and resist going to sleep, you may have excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). Those who have obstructive sleep apnea, a problem that causes breathing pauses throughout the night, are more likely to have this condition.

Breathing ceases when a person is asleep due to OSA, a persistent sleeping condition. An individual with OSA will often wake up because they are unable to breathe regularly. The tissue at the back of the throat obstructing the airway is the reason for the pauses.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a very prevalent condition. Approximately 25 million Americans are impacted by it. Many of them, nevertheless, are unaware that they possess it.

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